
Cheering On Fukushima! Fukushima Recovery Support Activities

Activity Dates
Activity Contents
The Great East Japan Earthquake of March 11 and the following nuclear power plant disaster caused unprecedented damage to Fukushima. We have engaged in recovery support activities to provide whatever energy and courage we could to Fukushima as a local company.
We engaged in a large number of recovery support activities, such as supporting “LIVE Fukushima KAZETOROCK SUPER Nomaoi,” a music event attended by over 20,000 people, making an impact nationwide. We continue to cheer on Fukushima from our perspective as a local company.

Sponsorship of “LIVE Fukushima Kaze to Rock SUPER Nomaoi”

Activity Date
September 17, 2011
Activity Location
Bandai-atami Sports Park and other locations
Activity Contents
The “LIVE Fukushima” rock festival began with a desire to invigorate Fukushima through music and convey Fukushima’s energy throughout Japan and the rest of the world.
We decided to support this event because the spirit of “LIVE Fukushima” strongly resonated with NIRAKU, and we wanted to bring smiles to the faces of members of the community.

33rd Sukagawa City Shakado River National Fireworks Festival (Sukagawa City, Fukushima)

Activity Date
August 20, 2011
Activity Location
NIRAKU Sukagawa hall
Total Donations Made

Designation of Donations
Sukagawa City, Fukushima (Industrial Division Commerce and Sightseeing Department)
Activity Contents
The NIRAKU Sukagawa hall was closed for business for the day and opened to the general public to watch the National Fireworks Festival held in Sukagawa City, Fukushima Prefecture. Part of the revenues from drinks, snacks, and other stands were donated to help pay the Fireworks Festival’s expenses.

Nippon Television Network “24-Hour Television 34/Love Saves the Earth”

Activity Dates
August 8 to August 31, 2011
Activity Location
NIRAKU halls, Headquarters, etc.
Total Donations Collected

Donations Contributed to
Television stations broadcasting 24-Hour Television, etc.
Activity Contents
Donations boxes were installed and patrons were encouraged to donate.

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